Prior to being appointed as a Judge of the Superior Court of the State of Connecticut, Clarance Jones served as an attorney in public interest firms,and also as a partner in the Law Firm of Jones, Turner & Wright. He served for twenty years as a Judge of the Superior Court. He was approved by the Connecticut Judicial Selection Commission for appointment to the Connecticut Appellate Court. In addition Clarance Jones is a Circuit Court Mediator certified by Supreme Court of Florida.
Clarance Jones has retired from the Superior Court judgeship and is now accepting cases and matters for mediation and arbitration. Attorney evaluations of Judge Jones' performance as a trial judge describe him as accessible, knowledgeable as to law and procedure, unbiased, patient and possessing admirable judicial temperament. Clarance Jones contributed his services as a Special Master of the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut. He is the recipient of the Federal Judge Robert Zampano Award for Excellence in Mediation.
Tuskegee Institute (University) 1965; Howard University School of Law, 1968.TEACHING EXPERIENCE
Yale College Adjunct, taught two-law related coursesPROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS
Former President, and now Board Member Emeritus of the National Consortium for Racial and Ethnic Fairness in the Courts – an organization with representation from thirty-eight states and the District of Columbia.FELLOWSHIP
Recipient of Reginald Heber Smith Fellowship (one of 100 recipients chosen nationally)AWARDS
Recipient of Federal Judge Robert C. Zampano Award for Excellence in Mediation